Useful Industry Links

The UK Government

Helping households and businesses with energy bills – click here.

Use the above link to see the latest advice and any available grants and discounts to help reduce your electricity and gas bills.

The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem)

OFGEM is the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets – click here.

They are a non-ministerial government department and an independent National Regulatory Authority. Their principal objective when carrying out our functions is to protect the interests of existing and future electricity and gas consumers. They do this in a variety of ways including; promoting value for money, promoting security of supply and sustainability, for present and future generations of consumers, domestic and industrial users, the supervision and development of markets and competition, and the regulation and the delivery of Government schemes.

Citizens Advice

For impartial advice and help paying your energy bill – click here

They are also very helpful if you think you have received a scam call or think you have been miss-sold your energy contract.

The Energy Ombudsman

To help businesses and consumers reach a resolution with a complaint against an energy supplier or third party intermediary (TPI) – click here

Linking to the Energy Advice Line

We are always appreciative of companies linking back to our website. If you would like to link to us using a simple banner, then please copy the text in the box below and paste to the desired area on your website.

Example of the title and description:

Title: Energy Advice Line – Online Business Electricity and Gas Price Comparison Service.
Description: Compare business electricity and business gas in a few minutes. Compare and switch in confidence.


Termination Notice

We have created a simple termination notice template for our customers

See the latest news

We keep track of the latest news that can influence the price you pay and term of your contract. All the the latest energy news is available here.

Contact us for advice

Please contact us today so we can help you make a decision and make sure you are on the best prices possible.

Our Supplier Panel

The Energy Advice Line is the UK's leading online price comparison and switching service dedicated to small and medium sized businesses in the UK.

Our online quotation engine has been designed to facilitate speedy but accurate commercial electricity and gas prices – all at the click of a button to allow you to search the market for the lowest prices from an extensive panel of suppliers and contract options.

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Customers Love Us !

Say 'No' to cold calling on business energy

Unfortunately, business electricity and business gas customers in the UK are bombarded with unsolicited cold calls on a daily basis.

This unscrupulous approach does not offer the business energy customer an impartial view on the market and the price offered is more often 20-30% above the current retail price for electricity or gas.

At Energy Advice Line we strongly advise customers to not accept these offers and follow our simple steps to ensure that they are not locked into an uncompetitive contract.

Join our cold calling campaign here, and spread the word to say 'no' to cold calling on business energy!

Say No To Cold Calling on Business Energy