Energy prices for business: choose the appropriate one
A price to pay for
When it comes to cost, most businesses are left in the dark. And most businesses grope around in the dark until costs finally overrun the operation cost itself. The key to cutting costs, and becoming efficient is – as on any other occasion – getting professional help. A simple quote is most likely an owner’s best help in getting a direction to make his/her business energy cost efficient.
Future scarcity and availability of natural resources make business energy rates for business to go up. Electricity pricing normally differs widely depending on the country, and may also differ significantly depending on the locality as well though being in the same country. These prices depend on methods of generating the power and the market price for the fuel to be used in doing so. The other component of business energy – gas – has its cost driven on supply demand fundamentals. This cost may also depend on other factors, like for example, the cost of crude oil and, in some cases, petroleum products.
Forgetting to pay
While the above would mean a lot to new businesses, many existing business owners have themselves to blame for rising costs in business energy rates for business. In most cases, a contract – or technically, a tariff – is agreed between the consumer and supplier. This contract has a term of execution and at the end of this term, the consumer is expected to renew the contract for the next term or fix a new contract for the same. What typically happens is that, many business owners forget to renew such contracts. This is natural, given the stress of the daily execution of the business itself. However, these being long term contracts, the owners tend to suffer in the long run.
Unlike general consumer-supplier goods/contracts, business energy rates for business fluctuate in another realm. In other cases prices may change over six months or a year. But in the case of energy, prices change daily and while the price change looks small for a single unit, it makes a difference of a few thousand dollars at the end of the year. These costs are surely going to run up at the end of a long term contract and if the owner does not renew such a contract or switch to another supplier, the owner will have burned a big hole in his pocket.
Making up the difference
There is though, another cause of non-renewal of contracts. A recent survey, that provides only an indication, says that eight out of ten customers do not get notices, hard copies by mail or otherwise and neither do they get calls to renew their contracts.
That is why many governments advocate the need to go to renewable sources of energy as backup (for the present and the source of energy for the future) plans instead of only thinking of conventional sources of energy.
Substantial grants or tax credits are handed out by several governments, with several financial institutions also stepping in to reduce the initial investment and also business energy rates comparison can reduce the cost of energy.