Energy suppliers must contact customers struggling to pay bills

As reported by the BBC today (18/10/2023), the energy regulator Ofgem has told energy suppliers that they must contact customers who miss payments and are struggling to keep up with their bills.

The new rules, which start on 14th December, states that suppliers must get in touch with a customer who has missed two monthly or one quarterly payment and offer support.

Vulnerable customers must be treated as a priority and customer service scores must also be published, a scheme similar to one used by banks.

The new rules follow a consultation period over the summer months. The aim is to make it easier for customers to contact suppliers ensuring that those struggling can be helped.

In a speech to the energy sector, Ofgem chief executive Jonathan Brearley warned that global events were putting pressure on gas prices and could lead to higher domestic bills.

“This is why the industry needs to do all it can to ensure good customer services and provide help with managing debt, especially for the most vulnerable,” he said.

He said some suppliers had made improvements, but more needed to be done to support vulnerable households.

“Long wait times to speak to someone on the phone; letters not replied to; lack of empathy for people’s personal circumstances – this needs to change,” he said.

Simon Francis, coordinator of the End Fuel Poverty Coalition, said: “It’s not enough for energy firms to just pick up the phone to customers struggling with their bills. With soaring energy debt levels, people need to have their concerns dealt with efficiently and in a sympathetic manner.”

Ofgem latest energy price cap reduced the price household’s pay for their energy but prices are expected to go back up in January 2024.

It’s really important as a business that you keep a track on what’s happening with prices in these extremely volatile times.

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