Just 15% of UK company cars have gone electric

Just 15% of the UK’s company cars have switched to electric, according to a study conducted by car lease site Moneyshake.

Moneyshake have used the Department for Transport and Driver and Vehicle Licencing Agency vehicle licensing data for the analysis.

Which areas of the UK are leading the way?

The study highlighted differences across local authorities, counties and regions, picking out which areas are leading the way and comparing against those who need to do better.

Berkshire stands out as the leader with 29.23% of the county’s licensed company cars being electric, almost double the national average.

Powys on the other end of the spectrum shows that only 3.01% of the licensed company vehicles are electric, way below the national average of 15%.

London is a clear front runner with 22.90% of licensed company vehicles being electric but given the extra congestion charges, this could also have been a factor to make owners more aware of the need to switch.

Meanwhile, the North East registers a lower rate at 6.89%.

What more can be done to make the transition more appealing?

Clearly, the fact that London is a clear forerunner highlights that the extra charges for driving in areas where there is congestion will help people be more aware of switching to an EV. Can other major conurbations learn from this strategy?

These will undoubtedly be one of many factors being discussed at government to make sure that the UK is meeting its climate change objectives.

Bills are going up as the UK moves to support where we need to get to with electric cars

A lot of the UK electricity grid is being up graded at the moment so that we can as a country move to using electric cars. This unfortunately comes at a cost to you as a business owner. This is being felt as customers bills are not coming down as much to reflect the wholesale price level post energy price crisis.

An electricity and gas bill is made up of lots of charges. Transmission and distribution used to account for a small percentage of a businesses bill but as the UK upgrades its network, these charges are now accounting for a much large slice.

The cost of generation has come down from the massive spikes felt in the energy price crisis in 2022, but the retail price has not fallen as much given the increase to third party costs, which were not apparent pre-price crisis.

Suppliers have no choice but to factor these increases in your bills as they are charged by the third parties for getting the electricity from source to the businesses meter. These increase will be apparent in the unit rate and especially standing charge.

If you compare the market now you will see how much the standing charge has gone up. Simply enter your business postcode to see prices. It only takes a matter of seconds. See prices business electricity and business gas prices by clicking here.

Business energy prices change every day based on the movement in the wholesale price of electricity and gas.

You can track the latest price trends by clicking here.

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