Is the UK government going to extend the EV change over date?

As reported by BBC news this morning (20/09/2023), the UK government could be about to push back the date by which the last petrol or diesel car comes off the production line.

Currently, the car industry is working towards the deadline of 2030 in the UK, but as reported this morning, this date could be extended to 2035.

Car maker Ford has already stated this morning that moving the date would undermine business certainty. Tory MP Chris Skidmore has stated that this push back would be the prime ministers “greatest mistake”.

The UK plans to become net zero by 2050. The aim of net zero is for the UK to take out of the atmosphere as many greenhouse gas emissions as it puts in.

A key to the UK hitting the 2050 net zero target has been the 2030 EV switch over date given the pollutants that cars emit into the atmosphere.

Chris Mason of the BBC has just reported that Rishi Sunak is hosting a conference call right now with his cabinet to discuss his plans on green targets.

Plenty at Westminster expect the prime minister to then bring forward his speech on them to today – but currently Downing Street won’t confirm that. But they’re not denying it either.

As reported yesterday, Germany is still pushing to hit their of generating 80% of their power from renewable sources by 2030.

The pressure to become net-zero is huge but also extremely costly.

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