The worlds largest wind turbine generates enough energy in a day to power 170,000 homes

The world’s largest wind turbine has smashed the record for the most power produced by a single turbine in a single day.

The giant Goldwind turbine towers above the sea offshore in Fujian Province, China.

The record was set on the 01/09/2023 as typhoon weather hammered south East China. The turbine itself is massive 252 meters in diameter and produced 384.1 megawatt hours (MWh’s) of electricity in a 24 hour period.

Enough to power 170,000 homes or 38 million LED’s, this smashes the previous record of 364 MWh’s set by turbine in Denmark in August this year.

How can the Chinese Goldwind turbine operate in a Typhoon?

As we all know, most turbines cannot operate in typhoon conditions, and on the 1st September Typhoon Haikui forced many wind farms to shut down as it was just too windy.

However, the Goldwind turbine can adjust its blades in real time when winds reach high speeds, allowing it to continue generating power.

The blades, at 252 meters are as long as 2.5 football pitches and each blade can reach more then two thirds the speed of sound.

China leads the world on wind power

In 2021, it installed more offshore wind generation capacity than every other country in the world over the last five years.

China alone accounted for 49 per cent of the 64.3GW of total global offshore wind capacity in 2022 – more than Europe’s 47 per cent.

The country is also planning the world’s largest wind farm, a facility so huge it could power the whole of Norway when completed. The project is due to start in 2025.

China hopes to generate 33% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2025 but as it also plans to accelerate its coal generation capacity to meet demand, it plans to by net-zero by 2060 – a while off many other countries who plan to be net zero much earlier than this. The UK are planning becoming net-zero by 2050.

Track the wholesale levels of electricity and gas

As all major economies try to become self sustainable to help protect themselves from worldwide supply and demand issues, the Chinese problem is not going away any time soon. The west drives demand which forces China to look for energy sources, good and bad, to keep up.

It is really important as a business owner that keep an eye on the wholesale price of electricity and gas to make sure you make a confident decision on your next energy contract.

We have produced a handy price tracker so can easily monitor trends. Click here to see the latest information.

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